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Cairns to Palm Cove to Port Douglas

We said goodbye to our hosts Gary and Sandy after an amazing lamb dinner, a few drinks and some quite deep conversation. We found that we had more interests in common than just bicycle riding. We agreed that we all like history, we agreed that 99% of people you meet anywhere in the world will be good people, we agreed that food and eating it tops just about anything else and we agreed that the earth is definitely older than 6000 years as claimed by at least two potential future presidents of the USA. Gary and Sandy have been another example of how good warmshower hosting is. I hope our paths cross again. Maybe on some future tour somewhere. So Cairns to Palm Cove was our first proper ride, me with my new bike and Angela on the first leg of her first tour. The bike lane was a mixture of on the road shoulder and separate designated path way. It was flat land all the way with a slight head wind, nice views of the hills that split the coast from the table lands that we will encounter in the days to come. Australian road kill differs from American only slightly. A few squashed bull frogs. A couple of flattened snakes and a wrote off Kangaroo.

We set camp at Palm Cove Holiday Park. Quite cheap with good amenities. We went for a walk down to the shop then ate lunch then hit the beach to have the first swim in Australian waters. The sea was Californian warm. No slow walk in trying to catch your breath as the water splashes your stomach. Just straight in. There is a netted area to swim in as it's Jellyfish season and also the odd salt water crocodile has been known to show up. Darkness falls quick in these parts and by 7pm it was pitch black. There was a decent rain storm first thing on the 9th and with grey clouds as we set off for Port Douglas it looked like a cooler ride. By 5 miles in the sun was blazing and the heat was intense. The stretch of road we were on was pretty sketchy. Minimum shoulder and fast cars followed by fast trucks. Angela rode out front as I have a wing mirror on my bike and was wearing my hi viz top. There was one decent hill but it was tackled at a slow pace. The view at the top was spectacular with clear sight all the way back to Cairns.

We arrived in Port Douglas and set camp at the tropical winds site. A tropical wind would be welcome as it is hot even after dark. Tomorrow we go inland and face the hills. Wish us good tail winds and a cloudy day. At least until we arrive at Rifle Creek.

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